Blessed To Bake


While some of us might understand what it means to be depressed, not all of us have shared our stories. However, Sneha Marathe is someone who has been open to sharing her experience of depression and what allowed her to find the support she needed. In Sneha’s words:

I am a baker and a food blogger for 'The Bake Box'. I run my own business and baking is my passion. I have seen many ups and downs in my life and fought many different battles. The biggest of them all was depression. It started in my teenage years but I did not realize it at that time. I was repeatedly body shamed and had an incidence of inappropriate touching in those years. Later in my 20’s I started having anxiety attacks where I would faint.

Although, there was also a time in my life when I had everything I ever wanted and was in my dream baking school something was not right. I felt sad, numb, and an emptiness that filled my mind. I used to lock myself up in my room and lie in bed and stare at the ceiling feeling worthless, helpless, hopeless and what not. I had lost interest in everything including baking and only thing that used to comfort me was the thought of dying and ending the horrible feelings I was having. Eventually, I left my dream school and came back home.

But from there, I rose, like the Phoenix after I started to get the support and help I needed through therapy and medication. In therapy, I learned and unlearned many things. I started to implement things like affirmation, assertive communication, rational thinking and unlearn things like self-bashing and perfectionism.

It took me 4 years of constant therapy and medication, but slowly I came out of my depression. But I fought. I fought with all my might! I am blessed to have an immensely supportive family, husband, in-laws and an excellent therapist, without whom I would not be alive today. Not to mention my dogs who played a major role in my recovery. I feel blessed that my work of baking and sharing with others keeps me connected and grounded.

Depression isn’t something to be taken lightly and not just a phase which you can snap out of by going out or doing hobbies. I found that a scientific approach and a support system allowed me to come out of it. It’s surely not faking or sheer laziness. 

If you are going through anxiety and depression seek help! It’s a long and tough journey I know, but have faith, you will come out of it. If I can, you surely can! The only thing I can tell you is that there is light at the end of the tunnel. That light is life and it’s beautiful!


About the Author:

Sneha Marathe is a baker and a food blogger. She completed her Masters in Food Processing & Nutrition from SNDT Pune, and completed a certificate course in Baking from Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School in Canada. She has been running her baking business 'The Bake Box' since 2016. Sneha is currently situated in Bangalore and plans to launch a baking business there soon. Follow her at @foodtalesbysneha.


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