SPA Blog
Could Your Child Have ADHD?
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common mental disorders affecting children. Read on for more information!
Captain America: Stumbling Upon the Power of Stories
Over my years of public speaking engagements in schools across the country, I've done my best to have my hosts bring me in as a relative stranger, with minimal introductions during my visit. I start these talks by posing two questions…
Kirtan: Stop Thinking & Start Listening
We often hear and agree with the phrase ‘music heals,’ but have we ever stopped to consider how or why? Or if it’s even true? Does music really have the power to heal?
Finding Joy in Magic
Magic has helped him to connect with people, and show that just like any other being, he likes to laugh and have fun. All the while, his Sikhi has helped keep him grounded. Read more about his amazing story by clicking the button below.
Finding & Following Your Passion
Sukhdeep Kaur had the opportunity to meet with families at a migrant center that had been traveling for over three months by foot, with their young kids, all to get to this country.
Balance & Boundaries: Journal Writing & Joy
We all face hardships and Dr. Tanmeet Sethi uses journaling as a way to heal the pain and help us find joy.
Traveling & Rejuvenation
This couple's travel journeys are a testament to the profound impact that travelers can have on the world when guided by the principles of their faith.
Illuminating Paths: A Journey to Cultivate Sikhi
Writing "The Light We Give" was driven by a deep-seated desire to bridge the gap between Sikhs and the wider society. Recognizing the need for accessible resources to help people understand and connect with Sikhi, led to education becoming my compass.
The Need for Unstructured Reflection
When you sit down with your closest friends, you don’t have an agenda, nor do you take notes on what was said or should be said. It’s naturally a free-flowing conversation that’s unstructured and naturally inspires reflections, even if it’s reflecting on which current shows are worth watching.
United 4 Ukraine
How often have you told yourself that you are going to volunteer and bring about change? It is always a great time to explore some volunteer opportunities and help someone in need.
The Sikh Family Center
The Sikh Family Center has been helping Sikh families since 2009 and today it is the only professional organization in the U.S. focused on addressing gender-based violence in the Sikh American community.
Strengthening the Bond
What goes through our minds when we hear a couple is in marriage counseling? Do we wonder if the couple’s relationship is about to end? Is going to marriage counseling a last-ditch effort? Not necessarily.
Sowing the Seeds of Support
Emotional and mental healing can feel unfamiliar to us as a society at times, but the Sikh Gurus taught the world how to deal with emotional and mental stress. The first step is acknowledging what we are feeling, being a friend to our mind, and meeting it where it is emotionally and empathizing.
A Nod to Women’s History
Arvinder Groomer, the author of the book A Kaur’s Story: A Compilation of Immigrant Women Stories, speaks on gender equality, and how we must make it a reality in our communities.
Don’t Forget to Vote!
The Revolutionary Love Project is an organization founded by Valarie Kaur, a film and media maker focused on advancing human rights.
Sikh Kid 2 Kid
Sikh Kid 2 Kid started after the Oak Creek shooting in 2012 as a place for people to talk and share how they feel.
The Power of Sikh Sangat
The Sangat I found there taught me that it is okay to give myself room to grow and make mistakes, to ask questions and learn.
Personal Empowerment Through Raag Majh
We have been given the teachings and blessings through the Guru Granth Sahib to be empowered, but we must tune our inner self to connect the dots.
Finding Your Inner Spiritual Balance
We nourish our mental body with education, experiences, conversation, reading, watching tv, etc. We know what good mental food is and what isn’t. But what about our emotional/spiritual body? How do we nourish this body? What do we feed it?
An Interview with Dr. SimranJeet Sandhu
This fall, we are highlighting someone near and dear to our hearts: Dr. SimranJeet Sandhua–a local to our Maryland community, who is speaking about her latest projects, including her new children’s book.