Finding Joy in Magic

When I was a young child, I used to go to lots of kirtan programs with my parents. My father did kirtan and I often sat on stage with him. When I was 7 or 8 years old, one of my dad’s friends who used to play tabla with us showed me a magic trick. I was amazed! He then taught me how to perform it and gave it to me as a gift. From that moment I was hooked.

Having seen a magic show at my school in Kindergarten, I knew that one day I too wanted to amaze people the same way I was amazed. Every time that uncle would meet me, he would have a new trick for me. Eventually, I received a big magic kit as a birthday present and off I went! I started practicing and performing for my friends at school and for guests whenever we had someone over at our home. I proudly performed my first mini show for my 2nd grade class and eventually took part in my 6th grade our school talent show as a magician. At sixteen, I decided to print business cards, created my own website and started handing out my cards whenever I performed.

One day, I received a call from an auntie who had found my business card and was organizing a Gurmat Camp at Fremont Gurdwara. She wanted me to perform a show for 100 kids and offered me my first booking! I excitedly went out and bought a new outfit, borrowed a speaker system, and prepared my show. It was a success! I went on to perform shows for San Jose Khalsa School and Sikh Children’s Day at Fremont Gurdwara for many years. This hobby became a passion and I continued to learn new magic tricks.

I read books, went to magic shops, joined a local magic club, and attended magician’s conventions. As the word spread through the community, I got more opportunities to travel and perform for events such as the Spinning Wheel Film Festival in Toronto or Dastaar Pride Competition in New York. I continued honing my skills and improving my craft. Eventually I started performing at birthday parties, schools, fairs, weddings, and company holiday events.

Throughout my years in elementary school, high school, university and multiple jobs, magic has helped me to connect with people and show them that I’m another human being just like them who likes to have fun and laugh. All along, my Sikhi has kept me grounded and my unique appearance has helped make sure that no one ever forgets me - all the while raising awareness about our community!

For Bookings or to get more information please visit

About the Author: 

Vikram Singh is a renowned corporate magician, who transforms corporate events into realms of astonishment, proving that a moment’s magic can indeed lead to a lifetime of wonder. He’s always ready to amaze gatherings in the Greater Sacramento and its surrounding areas.


Kirtan: Stop Thinking & Start Listening


Finding & Following Your Passion