Don’t Forget to Vote!

The Revolutionary Love Project is an organization founded by Valarie Kaur, a film and media maker focused on advancing human rights. The project uses educational training courses, films, art, and music to uplift marginalized voices and teach them revolutionary love. After 9/11, she began witnessing hate against people of color and a close family friend of hers was killed.

She felt intense grief after seeing acts of hate and violence year after year and decided to create the Revolutionary Love Project to combat this. She is inspired by the idea of a Sant-Sipahi (saint warrior), who loves everyone but also fights against injustice. She believes change can occur after seeing the immense amount of people who came together to grieve after these hate crimes. She sees the strength in everyone and believes we can create a world without these heartbreaking tragedies. Valarie Kaur urges you to get involved by calling your state representative asking for gun reform, voting in your local and state elections, and donating/joining the Revolutionary Love Project. 

Voting is around the corner for our nation. Historically, our voting populations also significantly lag our actual numbers here in the United States. As a community we need to vote and choose representatives who know us, willing to hear us, and view us as we are - a community of hard-working and good people who embody the best of America. 

In speaking at the ballot box and rewarding those who represent our values, we ensure the federal government, state governments, and even local governments are allied with causes near and dear to our hearts, like the right to wear a dastaar at work or carry a kirpan at school; to use public funding to secure our gurdwaras; and to hold accountable those who infringe on our rights in all places. Thanks to Sikh Coalition for this article and making sure we are ready to vote! 


A Nod to Women’s History


Sikh Kid 2 Kid