Illuminating Paths: A Journey to Cultivate Sikhi

Interview by: Ganeev Kaur, SPA Intern

Dr. Simranjeet Singh emerges as a guiding light, determined to connect people with their own heritage and foster understanding. In this interview Dr. Singh's speaks about his most recent book, "The Light We Give," a testament to his mission and he shares more on being a parent.

What has been your biggest journey of discovery in the process of writing “The Light We Give?”

Writing "The Light We Give" was driven by a deep-seated desire to bridge the gap between Sikhs and the wider society. Growing up, I personally experienced the struggle of connecting with Sikhi, and it made me realize that there weren't enough accessible resources to help individuals embrace their heritage. Recognizing the need for accessible resources to help people understand and connect with Sikhi led to education becoming my compass. I understood that through education, I could not only fathom social changes but also promote a profound understanding of Sikh teachings. This insight has inspired me to embark on a transformative journey with a clear plan to start writing books and creating resources, particularly for our community, to express the richness of Sikhi.

Living in the present is not easy. How can we bring balance to our busy lives? 

Balancing dual careers and Sikh parenting can be challenging. One crucial piece of advice I have is to prioritize communication and coordination with your spouse. By working together, we ensure that at least one parent is present for our children when needed.

Juggling career commitments and fulfilling Sikh duties requires constant negotiation and prioritization. It's about finding ways to make time for both aspects of life. It may not always be easy, but the harmony we create between our professional aspirations and family life is undoubtedly worth the effort. By being open with each other and understanding the needs of our family, we can navigate the challenges and find a balance that works for us.

As parents, we often find ourselves caught up in the demands of the past and the worries of the future. To embrace the present, I practice being mindful.  When I'm with my children, I try to offer my full attention to them, letting go of distractions and worries. This helps me find real joy in those moments and connect more deeply with my kids. It's not always easy, but it makes our time together more special and meaningful, creating lasting memories that I cherish.

What is important for parents to instill in their children or future generations?

My main focus in teaching my children, aged 5 and 7, is to lay a strong foundation with elementary teachings that reinforce the values they are already learning at home and school. I believe that as life becomes more intricate and challenging, these foundational ideas can serve as touchstones to guide them on their journey. To create a nurturing environment that embraces diversity and fosters understanding, I make it a point to have open and honest conversations with them.

This includes discussing religious differences in a way that is age-appropriate and easy for them to comprehend. For instance, when they questioned the absence of Christmas presents and celebrations in our home, I explained the distinctions between religion and culture in a simple and straightforward manner. One of the ways I encourage them to embrace their Sikh identity is by celebrating Sikh holidays together. This not only strengthens their values but also allows them to cherish their unique heritage and understand the significance of these special occasions.

Any advise for Sikh youth entering college or starting their careers?

My advice is to find ways to align your passions with seva, which means selfless service. Take the time to explore how your unique talents and interests can be used to make a positive impact on society. Seva can take many forms, and it's about finding what resonates with you the most. So, as you build your career, consider how you can incorporate Seva into your journey and make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

Are there any future projects and endeavors coming up?

"The Light We Give" is just the beginning of my literary journey. I have a vision to write more books that cater to both children and adults, delving into themes such as religion, equality, and justice. Through my writing, I aim to spark meaningful discussions and promote understanding in diverse audiences.  In addition to books, I also have a keen interest in exploring the power of film and television to shape perspectives. Visual storytelling can be a compelling medium to raise awareness and inspire positive change. I hope to explore this avenue as a means to reach and impact even broader audiences.

About the Author:

Dr. Simranjeet Singh's unwavering commitment to Sikhism and his dedication to spreading awareness and understanding make him a beacon of inspiration. By embracing the present, nurturing spiritual and philosophical growth, and aligning passions with selfless service, we can illuminate our own paths and ignite positive change within our families, communities, and the world at large. Dr. Singh lives in New York with his lovely wife, and two children. We thank him for taking the time to have this interview with us!


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