Balance & Boundaries: Journal Writing & Joy

Tanmeet Sethi is a Sikh American doctor, healer, and a mother who consistently remembers the Sikh concept of Chardi Kala, even in the mist of darkness and adversity. We all face hardships and Dr. Sethi uses journaling as a way to heal the pain and help us find joy. We all deserve joy but some of us think it is only for the privileged, Dr. Sethi helps us reclaim our joy while also setting healthy boundaries. Unlike young children asserting their independence, the simple word, “No.” can be difficult for some to say. In different settings whether it's at work or home, we may feel guilt or fear it will make the situation uncomfortable or worse if we say no.  However, learning to say no and set healthy boundaries are important for your mental health, self-care, building positive relationships and creating more joy in our lives.

In her recent book, “Joy is My Justice,” Dr. Sethi shares her methods for shifting your nervous system and biochemistry into Joy at the cellular level. Dr. Sethi says, “Looking for Joy expands your world and when it does, you can see more-more reason to keep seeking until you live your way into a world that feels worth fighting for.” (P. 6) This highly recommend book is a great resource to bring more joy into our lives and hopefully into others.

About the Author:

Dr. Tanmeet Sethi is a board-certified Integrative Family Medicine physician and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Her book 'Joy Is My Justice', is a culmination of her personal and professional work to challenge the current conversation on mental health and wellness that implies you are broken, instead of the systems that you live and work in.


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