Managing the “Screen” or Scream in COVID

Top 10 List

Parents Check out these 10 Links/Tips from Screen Agers Documentary

  1. 3 Steps to Fewer Fights Over Screen Time
    The Nurtured Heart Approach 3-steps can make a big difference in the family dynamic. It helps by bringing attention to the positive and giving less energy to the negative. I explain how it works and break it down to make it easy to try.

  2. Our Kids Need Us
    Our kids' social media feeds are roiling with taxing and painful posts of yelling, riots, and death. It's more important than ever to figure out effective ways to be engaged in our kids' lives. Here are some ideas.

  3. Anxiety — What Every Young Person Should Know 
    Anxious feelings are understandably very high right now in our youth, given COVID. This post has lots of ideas and resources to help your kids and teens with anxiety.

  4. TikTok And the High of An Audience
    I was with a teen who was jumping up and down, exclaiming she now had 10,000 followers and some 400,000 views on a video she posted on TikTok. What does this increased chance of quickly getting a massive number of followers and views mean for our youth?

  5. Reasons Teens Now Report Higher Depression Rates
    Why now are a higher percentage of tweens and teens reporting depression symptoms than in the past? Today I write about some of the reasons why we might be seeing this rise, and I hope you will discuss these ideas with kids and students in your lives.

  6. Needing Attention And Crying For Help On Social Media
    I explore ways to talk with your kids and teens about when and how to help and reach out to friends that are posting and sharing things online that indicate that something may be up. This skill is especially relevant now when so much of their social interaction is online.

  7. Feeling Needed Is So Key
    I write about ways that youth can safely help others via tech and tech-free during our world's intense COVID-19 crisis.

  8. Online Rejection, How To Help
    There are many ways our teens regularly experience rejection online. This post has ideas for ways to help them through those emotionally rough times.

  9. 22 podcasts kids and teens are listening to right now
    22 podcast recommendations for kids and teens — and adults will like many of these too.

  10. Digital Binging, Is it A Problem
    What are the potential costs of loads of certain screen time activities on our kids' brain health and mood? What are ways to change tech time that might help them feel better — even while keeping the same total amount of screen time.


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